Rural Development Philanthropy Learning Network

Building rural assets to build rural livelihoods

The Aspen Institute: Community Strategies Group

On this page:

About thinking and action frameworks

Covering Rural Territory

Building Engines for Rural Endowment

Building Rural Livelihood

Margins to Mainstream

Leading Tactics for Rural Fund Development

Thinking and Action Frameworks

The RDP Learning Network's flagship products consist of a series of frameworks for rural development philanthropy thinking and action. These publications are step-by-step guides to help people who lead community foundations think about and act strategically to create and strengthen locally controlled endowment, grantmaking and community programs that can improve rural livelihoods, economies and community vitality.

All four frameworks are based on information and guidance gleaned from the Learning Network's past decade of RDP-focused peer exchanges. While designed to assist community foundations in their efforts, these frameworks can also be utilized by private, corporate and family foundations to design more effective community economic development programs that will have lasting positive impact on the livelihoods of rural individuals, families and communities.