Rural Development Philanthropy Learning Network

Building rural assets to build rural livelihoods

The Aspen Institute: Community Strategies Group

What's new in the Network?

Roll your mouse over any of the items on the left for a brief description, or click on the item to learn all about it.

A presentation on an outcome-focused approach to economic development strategies, by CSG Associate Director John Molinaro.

This was an August 2007 presentation to Philanthropy and the Rural Initiative for the 21th Century.

Additional installments on our how-to guide of user-tested tactics for building endowment in rural areas.

A February 2007 presentation by CSG Director Janet Topolsky on tactics for building assets in rural areas.

Learn about the rapid growth of affiliate funds and geographic component funds in rural areas—and what this means for you.

Introducing philanthropy as a community development activity, where anyone can become a donor, and various kinds of asset development activities are used...

Find and meet Learning Network members.

The RDP Learning Network is a diverse group of community foundations and funds, and philanthropic and rural development organizations that exchange experience, knowledge and skills to increase rural assets and improve rural livelihood.